Impressing Others

19 Sep

Is it a biological or psycho behavior of human being? How much of it is required in our life? Does it have any moral value? How much of importance this carries in one’s life? Especially, do I need to convince a foreigner who might be related officially or personally or as a senior or that said in any other way? Many queries like this disturb me sometime. This I have felt after coming across few good people like this since past and no doubt in the recent past. Hence, thought of dropping two lines of my conflict thought about it.


I have seen few persons trying their level best to impress somebody (again it could be a senior or friend or a girl friend or a foreigner or somebody like this…). I just do not understand why it is required to impress somebody and how much of it is required and up to what extent we need to go ahead just to get some benefits like some appreciation / compliments / promotion or some best recognition. If there is something which need to be noticed by somebody (whom we think to impress) then it needs to have that much of value and importance by itself. So that the opponents can recognize it and give you what you want. We need not to impress somebody intentionally. Intentionally impressing somebody sounds like asking/expecting your own respect from others forcefully. This is not the way to get a good return for some well doings. If we have really done something great or good then it needs to be recognized by others in its own course of time span. May be you could demand the return for your own good doing (which again is only good as per yourself) forcefully but it really does not have that much of importance or great feeling for yourself. Getting your own choice delicious food without asking has a different taste then getting it prepared by yourself or asking for it. So the moral of the story is I’ve seen few people showing off what they have done irrespective of anybody asking for it. They just want to show it intentionally and expect an appreciation for it which really does not make them happy in life. Always their hunger increases for the real appreciation which they do not allow to come to them. It’s like we teaching or ordering our younger to respect us.


There is another incident in our life. When a discussion happens or something is expected by our own family members from us, and assume we are against of it or may not like then the approach we do with our family members. In many of the cases we just either sought or show anger to the beloved one in some the other way that is we tell them that we are against for it in anger mood. But if we see it in places like our office colleagues or friend circle or this could be with our girl friend then we approach it in different way. Either politely or a friendlier way or in a sweeter way. But we do not do the same thing with our regular family members or who are always there for our life. So is this not a show off? Is this not like impressing somebody artificially? If yes, then why do we do this? Is this a psycho behavior of human being or the selfish nature which is blossoming? Or could we consider this to be a biological behavior of human being?


If there is something good we are doing than it need to be and will be recognized by some people if not by all people and again in a time of span. If this is not getting recognized then somewhere, something could be wrong. We might need to be patient for this to happen and do some course correction. Always and everywhere selling ourselves may not be the right approach. Doing a good job itself should be enough to satisfy own, it could be then in any way like my profession job or some social work or some stuff. This by itself is good moral and a good job which gives more satisfaction then getting from anybody else. But expecting always a better return for something good endeavour is not the good way of doing. Again expecting a good return for our investment may not be a bad thing. I do not understand how to judge on this. So both has got own pros and cons. If this is to be a psycho behavior than we might need to change it or if it’s a biological behavior then god knows what to do with it?


At the end but not the last, I’m sure different people will have different thoughts about it. This is just to put my thoughts in terms of some words so that I can understand myself better.


Posted by on September 19, 2007 in Own Thoughts


2 responses to “Impressing Others

  1. Satty

    March 3, 2011 at 8:33 AM

    Though you said you dont need any reply and its ur views.I completly understand that.I would just say one thing,this understanding comes with time ,when ppl really grow up(if they grow up),Some one has said
    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

  2. Mohinder

    June 30, 2008 at 11:51 AM

    dear Ashok
    happened to visit your blog by accident.
    and read your piece about \’impressing others\’
    liked that writing immensely and hence thought i must put in a word of appreciation.
    The reason i saw ur blog was that i created my space on    provided by   (please visit the space    and comment) and wanted to know if i could get more space than the 500MB they provide free. I put the question in the search space and ur site popped up, and since u r a software engineer , perhaps y could help.
    thanks in advance.
    im a surgeon and write about my cases only – perhaps y could suggest how to improve my space.
    thanks again


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